Shiver. Smile. Repeat.
This volunteer reported for her first Super Bowl XLVIII shift last night, braving the arctic temperatures at my station outside the Lexington Avenue entrance to Bloomingdales. I came prepared with facts about the week’s activities, bathroom locations, and eateries. Unfortunately, the folks who wander around Midtown East are born and bred New Yorkers. Confused by our presence, I think most assumed the yellow-clad troops were some unpublicized initiative by Mayor DiBlasio.
We directed some people to other stores (Urban Outfitters 2x, H&M once), took pictures of a couple of very cute kids, and shivered our way through the night. The one gentleman who did ask about football events was given an extremely thorough rundown. He eventually backed away from my verbal assault, politely and smiling, but I could I tell I’d overstepped.
The Host Committee chose our location because of the dazzling display of football helmets in the store’s windows. The Council of Fashion Designers of America enlisted 48 of its members to design commemorative helmets and auction them. Proceeds will benefit the NFL Foundation, which supports many causes including Heads Up Football, a teaching program designed to reduce the number of head injuries in the sport. The auction continues through February 4th.
With temperatures forecast to rise into the 40’s, I expect the crowds to increase by the time I get near Super Bowl Boulevard on Saturday. We’re done with practice; I’m ready for the game!